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Lessons Supreme Wisdom by Elijah Muhammad Lesson Corrections by the Father Allah | Wisdom | Sun

LESSONS [STUDY BOOK] - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. This is not anything that has been published by provocateurs in the form of the Book of Supreme Wisdom. This is simply a study book. If you do not find favor in this study book, it is suggested that you construct your own. This is not an official per se; however it is official for students. Jan 21,  · 5%er Text Book, Supreme In The Of G.O.D., Supreme Lessons Of The Gods And Earths, The Problem Book (FIVE PERCENTER KNOWLEDGE). +. Degree Lessons:: The Knowledge of Self For The Black Man. +. Supreme Lessons of the Gods and Earths: A Guide for 5 Percenters to Follow As. F – Father Allah is the father of the five percent nation also the father of. Lessons Supreme Wisdom by Elijah Muhammad Lesson Corrections by the Father Allah - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. Lessons Supreme Wisdom by Elijah Muhammad Lesson Corrections by the Father Allah/5(79).

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Supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download

Knowledge is to know, listen and observe. Knowledge is a body of accumulated facts. Knowledge is the foundation for all things. As the sun is the foundation for our solar system and man is the foundation for his family.

Wisdom is the manifestation of one's knowledge, the ways and actions one uses his or her knowledge to know truth.

Such as speaking wisely to the wise, to dumb or to possess a wise mind. Wisdom supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download the woman. Understanding is the mental picture one draws of knowledge, wisdom. To see things much clearer for what they are, visible through the all Seeing Eye this is The mind! Understanding is the child. Culture or Freedom, culture is ones way of life. Islam is the culture of freedom, And righteousness, the culture of peace in which all things coincide and live in harmony.

Power or Refinement, power is the truth. Truth in origin is the only means of refinement; is to go according to the truth is to make ones self known again.

Truth is the power to resurrect the mentally dead from their present state of unawareness and ignorance of self. Equality means to be equal in all aspects of ones true self. God is the original man, supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download, Allah is God, always has been always will be. Build or Destroy; build means to add on to life a positive creation or education. Destroy means to know of, take that which is untrue and add light to the Knowledge! Born is to bring into existence a mental birth of self.

Cipher is the completion of a circle, degree. God of the Universe, Lord of all the worlds from the highest to the lowest, the original man, the giver and taker supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download life, the foundation of all life, the father of reality and the knowledge of the sun, supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download. B - Be or Born is the realm or state of being born into existence.

Born is to be aware of everything because everything being that of the sun moon and stars; Man, Woman and Child; past, present and future. Born is to be complete and to give birth to wisdom. Knowing that everything is real, one must born his or her knowledge to show your wisdom to be or being real. C - See is to knowledge wisdom being born and gain a clear picture which will be the understanding. D — Divine, means knowledge and wisdom, being understood, showing its completion and manifesting a perfect state of existence equating the culture which is I God.

Divine being things that are sacred. E - Equality is to be equal with all society and nations of the earth, showing and proving with the power of equality that we are the fathers of civilization, also, to equal all nations with the science of education.

Equality is the woman, supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download. Fat-her to born the babies, all praise to Father Allah the original man.

I is self, self is the true reality son of man God. H - He or Her is the man or woman who has knowledge of self and is building a strong foundation. He the true and living God; she who is the Earth, supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download, the Universe, the woman planet, to bring about the Gods and Earths and teach them at birth.

He or Her without the knowledge of self nether builds nor destroy, but takes many limes. I — Islam is self and self of man is God. Woman is Earth and also life when advocated for the same cause, to be reborn into the knowledge of self, Islam as I God. J — Justice is the star, supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download, meaning your reward, regardless of whether it is one of happiness of sorrow.

Also, knowledge added to. K — King; God is the king of kings meaning that God is the only true king there is. Ruler of a kingdom, the equivalent of God himself, Father and H. The king rules because he is wise and just. One who knows the ledge of his knowledge for his word is life.

Many men and women possess this motion and to those who have failed to cope with it, it has been proven to supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download handicap. Love to those who have gotten over this burden realize that love is understanding and not two separate qualities. Understanding brings on love or hate love brings on understanding. Those who have realized the truth of love have proven that he is a LORD. Hell is the home of the ignorant, those who lack knowledge of self. God shows his love by manifesting the knowledge of himself through his wisdom which reveals the hell one must go through in order to be right.

Knowledge the wisdom to bring forth love Understanding. M — Master is one who possesses degree of knowledge wisdom, and understanding, the equivalent of Lord, He, King, Father: God that is I! Also, one who knows the ledge of his understanding enabling him to manifest the culture which is I- God; to knowledge, understanding.

N — Now, NationEnd Now is the time to get knowledge of self or end in a pit of ignorance, supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download. Nation — the United Asiatic people; dark and light.

The pale person is in a race with time now to avoid the wrath of the Asiatic Nation God. Knowing the culture to show the. A circle that consists of degree or. Truth is the ultimate power, star supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download child knowing that knowledge is power, therefore equality itself is power.

Q — Queen is the woman factor of life known as substances. She becomes the Queen after she is given the knowledge of God. This is savior equality unknown sexually transmitted equality wisdom brings about build or destroy. R — Rule right, ruler is a guide which God, supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download, the Asiatic man, uses to keeping everything right and exact.

Righteous are the Asiatic people according to nature. Right is the proper nature of things and people. One that saves all who want to be saved and add on to self. Self is the reality of one, be it man or woman, supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download. T — Truth or Square — Truth is understanding reality of wisdom. The square is a multiple of four and the cube is six. U — The universe is the home of the solar system.

The universe owns and belongs to all Asiatic men and women. U-you and I verse. You is pertaining to the woman when dealing in completing the home child. You also mean self, king savior, Queen, her, woman.

V — Victory — To obtain the knowledge, wisdom and understanding, a man that is blind, deaf and dumb has to take on the Great seal of Victory to win. W — Wisdom is wise words spoken by a wise man. Wisdom is the bridge to knowledge and understanding. X — Unknown is the identity of self, woman, man and God because they are not wise to their true culture.

Y — Why- The question most asked to justify. Why does he like the devil? Why does the devil call our people African? Why are there so many of our people still dead? This is because of there own doing not accepting the truth.

In genetics the male factor or chromosome is Y, God knowledge on the Y having three points: Foundation, right point and left point. Z — Zig, Zag, Zig — meaning knowledge and understanding are alike and zag is un-a- like my what? Knowledge is to know, it also means to respect. It is the foundation of all things in. One must Born his Equality and knowledge the Power or Refinement showing and proving ones Equality by dealing equally with the knowledge known only to God.

Know the ledge before you fall off the edge. Wisdom is wise words being spoken, for when God speaks it is like an ocean that will. Wisdom is symbolic to water for when one speaks it supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download moisture to bring about that vibration that brings forth the word. Building a understanding to bring about peace of mind and to be wise. Understanding is the mental picture one draws of knowledge and wisdom to see things for.

Understanding is the all eye seeing the third supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download which is the mind the cream that rises to the top. Freedom is a state of mind Free-Dom for the dome is the top part of the head. Freeing yourself from your present state of unawareness and ignorance of self self is a truth reality one be it man or women. Justice is to Build or destroy with the power of God just I see equality which I have been.

Equality is to be equal in all aspects of ones true self with the knowledge Power or. Equality is also anything that has weight and takes up space is physical like the.

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Supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download

supreme mathematics 120 lessons pdf download

Jan 21,  · 5%er Text Book, Supreme In The Of G.O.D., Supreme Lessons Of The Gods And Earths, The Problem Book (FIVE PERCENTER KNOWLEDGE). +. Degree Lessons:: The Knowledge of Self For The Black Man. +. Supreme Lessons of the Gods and Earths: A Guide for 5 Percenters to Follow As. F – Father Allah is the father of the five percent nation also the father of. The student must study his Assignment--Lesson #1. Each Student should copy the Answers of Lesson of Minister, Elijah Muhammad, and study until the Student is able to memorize, By Heart, all Answers to, of said, Lesson #1. NOTE: Here, Lesson #1 is said to be the Student's Assignment-"First."File Size: KB. LESSONS [STUDY BOOK] - Free download as PDF File .pdf), Text File .txt) or read online for free. This is not anything that has been published by provocateurs in the form of the Book of Supreme Wisdom. This is simply a study book. If you do not find favor in this study book, it is suggested that you construct your own. This is not an official per se; however it is official for students.

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